Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's Official.


I shoot tomorrow.

P.S. I discovered I'm only two degrees from Kevin Bacon, and it's not for NowhereLand. I was in West of Here with Mary Stuart Masterson, who was in Digging to China with Mr. Bacon himself. So ha!


Unknown said...

U rawk.

I want to be the first to sleep with you.

Somebody call Max Clifford.

O' Tim said...

Hey Neighbor! That is completely awesome, dude.

Natsthename said...


Have fun and keep us informed on any fun stuff you do in idle time!

Stephanie said...

I'm also two degrees from KB. My friend's brother wrote Hollow Man. ;)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Schweet!

Natsthename said...

I'm really only one degree from Bacon, since I eat it occasionally.

Granny Snark said...

Jeff already knows how I'm bursting with pride over his awesome talent and his coup of landing a part in a major motion picture, and he also knows that I brag incessantly to anyone who will listen, and threaten to sink my fangs into those who are unwise enough not to listen, snarling like a protective and vicious momma lion. God help the poor bastards.

But enough about that.

I'm here to talk about the Film Freaks Film Club.

I want to join with you'all. I really, really do. I want to be in your club. I want to bond with you. But the fact is, when I watch a movie, I do it for enjoyment and entertainment only. Mine. And I usually end up with some sort of emotional reaction. Did it make me laugh? Did it make me sad? Did it make me think? Did it make me cry buckets? Did it make me cringe? Did the ending piss me off? Did I want to marry the star or shoot him dead? And I've learned throughout my hundred years of living (not really, but close) that evaluating whether a movie (book, painting, poem, song, etc.) is good, bad, or mediocre, is such an immensely personal and subjective decision that is solely arrived at based on one's own personal preferences, unique likes and dislikes, life experiences, values (real and perceived), family upbringing, education, happiness and/or sadness, peer pressure, successes and failures, relationships, communication filters, and what have you. In other words, when I am deeply moved by a film, it's personal to me. For reasons that only I know. Because of what I have lived.

I watched Premonition with Sandra Bullock five times. I thought the movie was amazing. Each time I watched it, I got something else out of it, which is why I kept going back for more. Same with The Notebook, which I also watched five times. Okay, maybe six with that one. And there are so many others I've felt the same way about. For whatever reason, they touched me, they were personal to me, they were important to me. Maybe other people would say those same movies were predictable, formulaic, trite, banal, not worth the price of popcorn. But frankly, I don't give a rip because all that matters to me is what I felt when I watched them. Why should anything else matter to anyone?

So, my question to all of you Film Freaks Folks is, when you feel deeply connected to a movie--for whatever reason--does it bother you that the film you feel was so compelling, so important, is trashed by others who may not share your connection to it?

That is the only thing that keeps me from participating in this forum ... even though I love you guys.

Granny Snark said...

Sorry guys. I was feeling overly sappy yesterday.
