Sunday, November 11, 2007


I was adding to our Netflix list and I put Brazil on there.

I've always heard how polarizing it is. I'm a Python fan but not necessarily a Gilliam fan. I'd say of the films of his I've seen, 12 Monkeys is my favorite -- mostly by default. I've been more bewildered than entertained by his other stuff (the exception being Holy Grail but it was a co-directed effort so I kind of put it in another category). For example, I made my dad take me to see Time Bandits (I was nine) and I remember the whole audience just sitting there dumbfounded at the end, myself included.

So have you seen Brazil and what do you think? Does it grow on you? Do I need to have a certain expectation or preparation in mind when I sit down to watch it or should I just be open to "whatever?"

And if you don't have much to add on Gilliam/Brazil, what directors or writers do you just not get the appeal of?


Don said...

I saw Brazil stoned out of my gourd at a suburban movieplex in, what, 1985 or whenever it came out. I loved it. I've wanted to see it again ever since. Don't ask me why I haven't.

But you see, I liked Time Bandits so much I took some friends to go see it and they did like you: silent and dumbfounded. What was that? But I loved it.

I can't explain this. Probably it means I shouldn't go to movies.

Another one on this same list for me is Liquid Sky. And boy, did I just get a flood of memories and feelings as to why I should never see that again.

Teacake said...

I have not seen Brazil, but I enjoy Time Bandits and think 12 Monkeys is a fabulous, fabulous movie. Munchausen I can take or leave.

I don't get why everyone falls all over themselves for Ang Lee, whose films usually bore me.

Kos said...

I love Brazil. It's bizarre as hell, but a hell of a fascinating and entertaining movie. Then again, I'm a big fan of most of Gilliam's work. He has a new movie in production that has Tom Waits in it, so that's already a plus in my book.

Anonymous said...

Time Bandits is f***in' awesome...

Anonymous said...

I love Time Bandits, and I like Munchausen a LOT. I didn't care much for 12 Monkeys, as I recall. I saw Brazil in the same frame of mind as Don, and all I remember is being VERY confused. That was in the early 90s, though, and I have it in my Netflix queue to give it another try.

I don't see the Tanantino thing, but obviously a lot of people do.

Anonymous said...

Tarantino is f***in' awesome...

Anonymous said...

OTOH, not a director, but a produce, Bruckheimer's movies are sh*te.

I like asterisks :-)

msb said...

Gave a whole new meaning to ducts for me.